
1 Tip #1 : Submitting Student Work Directly to Turnitin Turnitin allows you to upload student work outside of a Canvas assignment. To get started, you will need to have created a Turnitin assignment in Canvas (you can do this in any of your course sites, in- cluding a Sandbox course site). Once you have created a Turnitin assignment, Turnitin will know you are affiliated with Northwest. You can go to their site directly at a nd create an account and a password. Once you have created the account, you can use the Quick submit option and upload the student work. If you do not see the “ Quick Submit ” tab on your Turnitin home page, go to the top menu and click on “ User Info. ” A window opens with your individual account settings. Activate quick submit using the drop down and choosing “ yes ” Then, scroll down and “ Submit. ” You will see the Quick Submit tab appear. Follow the prompts. V21:3 November 5, 2021 Tip #2: Comment Library in Speed Grader You can save and reuse commonly used text feedback in SpeedGrader by accessing the Comment Library icon. Above the Assignment Comment box in SpeedGrader, you will see a small call out icon and if you have added comments, you will see a number of the comments you have added. Click on the icon and a window slides open from the right and lists the comments you have saved to the Comment Library. You can also turn on the toggle that will “ Show suggestions when typing. ” You have the ability to add comments, edit comments, and delete comments from the Comment Library.